Why does my pub need technology?
You need technology to maximize productivity and profitability in every part of your business.
Electronic Point-Of-Sale gives you the ultimate in pub information technology. EPOS can help you make your business more competitive and more profitable. It covers your front-of-house and back-of-house operations. It allows you time to coach and manage your people. It allows you to run detailed financial reporting and analysis. It streamlines your ordering and recipe management. And last but by no means least, it speeds up service to your guests and improves their overall visitor experience.
Have you ever been in the situation where a member of staff swears that they phoned a local supplier and ordered the stock needed for a function, only to find out on the day that the call was made but that the order was wrong?
Or how about when you try to run the daily sales reconciliation, manually, when you’re already tired and have many other jobs to do at the same time?
Or how about trying to juggle the needs and requirements of four pubs, using various order processes and internal systems whilst managing four sets of staff?
Installing technology in your pub will completely remove issues like these as well as permit you to spend time planning well for the future.
Ensuring that you retain and increase customers is vital for any business but especially so within the hospitality industry. Consumers in this day and age expect to be served with efficiency, professionalism and politeness. Implementing an EPOS system in your pub will allow you to reach higher levels of customer service by having all the information you need at your fingertips.
Using databases you can maintain real-time information on your stock inventory levels, recipe ingredients and costs, as well as competitive supplier quotes. You’ll know which member of staff spoke to which supplier and even have a record of what was ordered and when.
For those of you in a chain environment, there is even more call for technology to be deployed. It provides the ability for a chain's corporate office to enforce menu and pricing consistency as well as respond quickly and effectively to the needs of the local market.
The financial benefits offered with technology are huge, not only do you save time and therefore money because you eliminate the manual processes but you can view your businesses from the top down, meaning that you’ll have a better grasp on all areas of your organisation.
Steve Madden works for Micros Fidelio, providers of EPOS software for pubs and bars, restaurants, and hotels.